Play for Sheets – Drone Reeds Competition

Cameron Drummond and the team over at ran their Christmas Competition to guess the drone reeds.

Recording of Cameron Drummond playing a few tunes with the Balance Tone HR Reeds.  Listen to the harmonics from the drones in the slow air.  Drones 100% rock steady but resonating (changing timbre/colour) with each chanter note.

The drone reeds being played were our own Balance Tone HR Reeds and Cameron said

The Balance Tone HR3 Reeds are fantastic. They have a great tone, lovely harmonics and a sweetness that lasts as long as I can play. The pipes are easy to tune, beautifully balanced and extremely steady. Along with the Highland Reed Moisture Control System my pipes have never performed better.

Cameron Drummond
Video result from the competition – congratulations to Austin Graydon Diepenhorst on winning a set of Balance Tone HR Drone Reeds.

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One Response

  1. John Williamson March 19, 2021

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