Dear Bruce,
I also wanted to mention my experience with your BT reeds yesterday, as I was playing for an outdoor, drive by birthday party celebration in about 30˚F with about a foot of snow on the ground- the BalanceTone HR reeds stayed rock-steady, full and rich sounding for the half hour I played. The client who hired me to play for her 85 year old mother said he’d send me some pictures and video, which I’ll be happy to share with you when I get them.
As promised, here are some photos from that Socially-distant outdoor birthday Celebration I piped for Saturday.
I wore several layers under the doublet and plaid, toe warmers inside my shoes, two layers of socks under hose tops and spats, fingerless gloves and Heated Wristies® on my hands and an American Red Cross Blood Donor headband/ear muff under my Glengarry. The Kilt, Plaid and piper’s mask* I made myself, all Cameron of Erracht tartan.
The mask is in two layers- cotton bandana inside, wool Tartan (Cameron) outside, with a flap over the mouth which seals with Velcro when I’m not actually playing- my own design using tartan left over from making the kilt and plaid years ago.
Most importantly, the drone reeds were BalanceTone HR , which were rock steady and gloriously resonant even with the temperature right around freezing, at around sunset.
We’re No Awa’ Tae Bide Awa’ With Norma
These comments and video were submitted using our Submit Your Playing section. We’d love to see other clips of you playing our products –